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Supporting access to basic services & social inclusion


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The Lake Chad Inclusive Economic and Social Recovery Project (RESILAC) is

 a regional project aimed at strengthening people's resilience through economic recovery, social cohesion and sustainable land management in the countries around the Lake Chad Basin. After a first phase running from 2018 to 2022 in the 4 countries around the lake, and on the strength of its encouraging results, all the project's stakeholders  renewed their commitment to the project in this region through a second phase, designed on the basis of the acquired knowledge. Co-financed by the European Union and the Agence Française de Développement to the tune of €38.5 million, this second phase is being implemented by a consortium of NGOs Action Against Hunger (lead partner), CARE International and Groupe URD, in partnership with CCFD-Terre Solidaire as well as national and local organisations.

Renewed for a period of 5 years (2024-2028), the project covers 12 territories in 3 countries around Lake Chad (Cameroon, Nigeria and Chad) and aims to reach more than 118,000 people.

118 000

51% are women 




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