159 000
The Lake Chad Inclusive Economic and Social Recovery Project (RESILAC) is a regional project aimed at contributing to the economic recovery and strengthening of the resilience and social cohesion of the populations in the four countries around the Lake Chad Basin (Cameroon, Chad, Niger and Nigeria). Co-funded by the European Union and the French Development Agency (AFD) to the tune of €36.1 million, it was implemented by a consortium of NGOs - Action Against Hunger (lead), CARE International and Groupe URD -, in partnership with national and local organizations. Over a period of 5 years (2018-2022), the actions carried out covered 13 territories, 254 villages and reached more than 159,000 beneficiaries.
Based on the lessons from this experience, and in order to consolidate what has been achieved and to scale up promising actions, a second phase is currently being contracted for a start - if confirmed - in 2023.