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The project RESILAC - “Inclusive Economic and Social Recovery of Lake Chad” - aims at contributing to economic recovery and to strengthening the resilience and social cohesion of the territories of the Lake Chad region most affected by the security crisis and climate change.


Historically, Lake Chad has been an attractive rural hub of resources and jobs, essential to the lives of the millions of inhabitants of its hinterland. While it is an emblematic area for the threats of climate change and its challenges in poor countries, it is now also at the center of a regional security crisis linked to armed groups. The development challenges of the region are therefore multiple: political, socio-economic, ecological, hydrological and governance. In order for its potential to make a lasting contribution to regional economic development, the emergency measures already deployed will have to be extended by medium-term and larger-scale actions.


The RESILAC project is an initiative of the European Union and French Agency for Development, jointly developed by the NGO Action contre la Faim (lead partner), in consortium with CARE and Groupe URD. The project has benefited from a sustained contribution from CCFD - Terre Solidaire, a privileged partner of the project in Chad and Cameroon, and the participation of several other partners such as Karkara in Niger, Search for Common Ground and Neem Foundation in Nigeria.


A territorial approach based on four interconnected pillars >


  • Strengthening human capital and social cohesion, by improving the social cohesion of the population, particularly through support for territorial development and psychosocial support for the victims of armed groups

  • Economic recovery and resilience of populations, creating jobs on community infrastructure rehabilitation sites and supporting agricultural micro-entrepreneurship and apprenticeships

  • Institutional strengthening by improving the governance of municipalities for better management of territories and natural resources

  • Production of knowledge to optimize the quality of project activities in a context of crisis and for decision-making by local actors

Project's structure >

  • The overall management of the project is ensured by the RESILAC regional office, based in N'Djamena, which is in charge of project management. It ensures the proper functioning, coordination and programmatic coherence of the 4 countries. It is composed of a regional coordinator and regional technical referents in charge of methodological and technical support to each component of the project, as well as experience sharing and capitalization.

  • In each country, a national coordinator oversees the program team, made up of project component managers and field officers from the various implementing organizations.

  • In terms of institutional governance: in addition to the operational and national steering committees in each of the 4 countries, the project is governed at the regional level by a global steering committee chaired by the European Union.  

The project's local partnerships >

The RESILAC project is based on a territorial approach, which involves working closely with stakeholders in each territory and country. This includes in particular:

  • Community leaders and traditional chieftaincies: Involved from the outset through participatory self-analysis diagnoses aimed at initiating a multi-stakeholder dialogue on the main issues in a given territory, they make a significant contribution to the facilitation of community and collective debates;

  • CSOs and CBOs: The community based and civil society organizations supported by the project promote citizen engagement in all its forms. They are particularly solicited to support the implementation of activities in the field, so that they can play their role at the heart of territorial development;

  • Local authorities, deconcentrated technical services and local public or para-public institutions: These key stakeholders play a central role in the local development of the territories and also facilitate the implementation of the project;

  • Finally, the steering committees, which take place on a regular basis, play a major role in the monitoring of the project and allow all project stakeholders to discuss the progress of the project, the context evolution, points of vigilance, proposed adjustments, and the new activities being developed.

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Launched in 2018, for an initial duration of 4 years, the RESILAC project intervened until the end of 2022 in 4 areas around the Lake Chad Basin: the Far North region of Cameroon, the Lake Province of Chad, the Diffa region of Niger, and Borno State of Nigeria. The RESILAC project has reached more than 254 villages (with a concentration of actions in 132) and its activities have mobilized more than 159,000 direct beneficiaries-with a particular focus on youth and women.

To learn more discover our brochure - click here


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