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International conference 
Professional and economic integration of youth and women in the context of the lake Chad basin crisis: experience sharing and perspectives

The crisis in the lake Chad basin is the result of a complex combination of multiple factors, including a precarious security situation involving non-state armed groups, extreme levels of poverty, persistent underdevelopment, and climatic disruption. This crisis, which has persisted for more than a decade, has affected every aspect of daily life (destruction of livelihoods, loss of financial and productive assets, limited access to education) of all social categories of the populations of the area; in particular women.


The conference "Professional and economic integration of youth and women in the context of the Lake Chad Basin crisis: experience sharing and perspectives" provides a framework for exchange and restitution of the study on: "The place of gender in the socio-economic development of lake Chad", carried out within the framework of the RESILAC project.

Tuesday, 18 October

8:30-11:30 (UTC +1)



8:00 - 8:30 : Participants' arrival

8:30 - 8:45 : RESILAC presentation

8:45 - 9:45 : Study presentation and questions

9:45 - 10:00 : Break

10h - 11h15 : Capitalization and questions

11h15 - 11h30 : End


Paola HARTPENCE - Capitalization officer, project RESILAC

Kalilou Seydou MOUSSA - Socio-anthropologist, graduate of the EHESS , Marseille

Ibrahim Hamidou OUMAROU - Regional technical referent for economic recovery (pillar 2) RESILAC project

Hélène RONCERAY -  Regional Coordinator RESILAC


The RESILAC project, "Inclusive Economic and Social Recovery of Lake Chad" is an initiative of the European Union and AFD and implemented by the NGO Consortium (Action contre la Faim (lead partner), CARE and Groupe URD) in partnership with CCFD-Terre solidaire and national partners.

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Co-financed by the European Union and the French Development Agency


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T: +235 90 06 63 45 // + 235 65 74 33 91

RESILAC Regional Office, N'Djamena Chad

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