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Given the multi-country, multi-stakeholder and multi-dimensional scope of the project, the Consortium (Action contre la Faim, CARE and Groupe URD) has delegated the project management to the RESILAC regional office.


Based in N'Djamena, the capital closest to Lake Chad, this technical office, supported by Action contre la Faim, is made up of technical experts from the three members of the consortium:

In accordance with its terms of reference, this office is :

  • Guarantees good governance (‘policy’) of the project between all the implementing organisations;

  • Responsible for accountability, internal and external communication, and reporting to the project's donors;

  • Responsible for regional coherence, the quality approach and overall project management;

  • Responsible for the coherence and coordination of the regional aspect of the programme (sharing of experiences between countries, production of lessons learned, etc.);

  • Responsible for implementing the regional operational aspect (support for the Lake Chad Basin Commission, advocacy, etc.);

  • Responsible for defining and implementing a regional advocacy strategy and for the project's active contribution to knowledge sharing in the Lake Chad Basin region;

  • Responsible for representing the project at sub-regional level.


This regional office plays a crucial role in the overall coordination of the project and in facilitating collective learning.

The regional office is headed by a RESILAC regional representative.



+235 90 06 63 45 / 65 74 33 91

Address: Quartier Klemat/Beguinage, Rue du Havre, Ndjamena Chad


The RESILAC project, "Inclusive Economic and Social Recovery of Lake Chad" is an initiative of the European Union and AFD and implemented by the NGO Consortium (Action contre la Faim (lead partner), CARE and Groupe URD) in partnership with CCFD-Terre solidaire and national partners.

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Co-financed by the European Union and the French Development Agency


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T: +235 90 06 63 45 // + 235 65 74 33 91

RESILAC Regional Office, N'Djamena Chad

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